Three sets of visitors make a Full House. Sam’s parents in
the morning, then Ann’s friends from Up North in the afternoon. We had been
going to take them to lunch, but they arrived too late, and we had no bread for sandwiches
until MA came with a rescue loaf. Then MA, Sam and the children came in the evening
and brought a curry with them.
Lorna asked if Ann had her bus pass yet, so Ann checked on
line. She isn't eligible until she's 68. Also, it’s only valid in Suffolk, and
there aren’t many buses she could use. She would have to drive to somewhere
like Haverhill to find a bus, and they probably go to Cambridge or Essex, so
she couldn’t use them.
Edwin left early for his pilgrimage “Up North” visiting
Chester and Liverpool, but via Manchester as it turned out, for several lines
were closed for maintenance, and Northern Rail was on strike. He went to
support a fellow PhD student who was presenting a paper to the Gaskell Society,
and has been asked to present the key note address at their conference next