Thursday 24 February 2022

A weekend in Wales

Ben and Kaz celebrate a week away
 Ann and I had a great away weekend staying with Ben and Kaz in their rented cottage in Wales. We left home on Friday, staying with Richard, my brother, and Chris in Coventry on route. They took us out for a meal and treated us, then on Saturday Ben and Kaz cooked a great stir fry, and on Sunday they cooked a full roast lunch, so we had a very inexpensive break. The only meal we bought was a pizza in Welsh Pool just over the border. Wales is a beautiful country, but we suffered two major storms during the one weekend (Eunice and Franklin) with severe gales and heavy rain, so we didn't walk far. Indeed, visiting Aberaeron, we tried to get out of the car but the wind was so strong we could barely hold the doors open, and the wind tried to whisk us away. Ann got out, turned round, and promptly got back in the car, unable to face the wind and lashing rain to walk about looking for a pub or restaurant, so we drove back to the cottage where Ben had got a roaring log fire going. They did, however, get some good walks in during the week, once the weather had calmed down.

Welsh Pool Pizza
I should have posted this blog much sooner, but alas after the drive back, by Tuesday I was exhausted and slept for nearly 24 hours. I did manage to get to Cambridge for my routine blood test, but Ann had to drive as I was too weary. 

The boys should have been in their new house by now. They finally have the furniture in, though not yet tidied, but BT have been tardy connecting WiFi and both boys need it to work, so they are staying with us for the week. WiFi is a funny term, everyone uses it, but I suddenly realise I don't even know what it means. Apparently, it was meant to be the abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity, but the term was only created because the wireless industry wanted a name to refer to the old technology known as protocol IEEE 802.11, so created WiFi out of the air. 

 Now, my blood tests have come back with only minor deterioration, my compulsory Covid test is negative, so I am all clear to go for my third immunotherapy session on Saturday, following a period of isolation. This morning, Ann is in IKEA with MA and the girls, for a girls' day out. They love IKEA, and Ann even suggested that they should convert the old Debenhams in Bury St Edmunds to be an IKEA, so I have written to the managing director of the company to pass on her idea.
I enjoy reading before an open fire,
while the winter storms rage outside.

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