Thursday 7 July 2022

Picnic by the sea


The sun sets over camp
What a glorious end to a wonderful day we had yesterday. Ben and Kaz had been to stay for a couple of nights as a break from their camping holiday, and yesterday they invited us to join them on the campsite for a day of total relaxation and being spoilt.

The campsite was idyllic, a quiet field overlooking the sea, yet with full amenities. It even provided picnic tables above the cliff edge, though Bronte provided a moment of drama when she slipped her collar and wandered up to the edge.

They cooked a great barbeque, with lamb kebabs and sausages for themselves and veggie burgers for us - the most tasteful we've had, served with wine and salad. Later, Kaz cooked melted marshmallows on skewers for desert. The barbeque was later converted into a fire pit, heaped high with driftwood to provide a welcome blaze as the day grew colder. Even that was not without incident, as the wind caught one of the chairs after we left, toppling it into the fire where it immediately melted the plastic and started burning merrily, till they threw copious water over it.
A warm welcome from Ben

Among other problems, I seem to feel the cold more than I used to. Ben and Ann between them solved this by wrapping me in Ann's coat and scarf, and a snoodie from Ben = a thick hooded wearable blanket that left me looking like Obi-Wan Kenobi, but was incredibly warm. Then, as darkness fell, we reluctantly had to head for home. It has made us realise, though, how good life could be if we had our own motorhome to take to places like this. We could stay up as long as we wished, drink all we wanted, then just roll into bed! Ideal.

I warm up in Ben's snoodie

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