Monday 18 February 2019

Political diversions

Left alone for a quiet day - Ann has gone to London shopping with MA and the two girls; Edwin was at Uni all day, so I am left to work alone - at least that has picked up a little, but otherwise not much happening here.

News-wise, seven MPs have deserted Labour to set up their own party. Minor parties in the UK have a poor history of success, so predictions are that they will collapse within one or two terms of parliament as voters desert them. But all new parties, like ideas, must struggle against the odds or there would be nothing new. It will be interesting to see if any more MPs join them, or if they remain a brief flash in the pan of Westminster.

Closer to home, Edwin is standing as Union rep at his Uni, and had an instructional talk today about how to win elections. He has now appointed an official campaign manager, tasked with handing out leaflets and drumming up publicity. I had no idea these things were taken so seriously - but I guess I've never been a political activist. When I was in junior school, I was asked to stand for an election for class monitor. Naively, I told the other candidate I would vote for him if he voted for me. I lost. The most I've done since was a protest march against the invasion of Iraq, and being accidentally caught up in the protest against climate change (see Brussels). But Edwin enjoys political thrust, and unlike me is good with people, so I wish him – and may he do – well.

Please send a comment if you have opinions about the new Independence Group, or remember protests you have joined.
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