Monday 16 August 2021

Art, weeds and work

Mike. Oil on canvas.
 Mary-Anne came round last week to visit and chat. She had sprained her ankle and had been hobbling round using a mop for a crutch, so we made her rest with her foot elevated, strapped it up, and lent her a walking stick. She refused to allow an ice pack near it, though. 

The girls are doing well. Grace has left school, to her delight, and starts a health course in September, with ambitions to convert it to a full nursing degree in due course. She already knows much about medical matters and is very bright. The youngest girl doesn't like school, but seems to get through with ease and I'm sure she'll do well in whatever field she choses.

My art has slowed somewhat recently (I have been distracted by several "couldn't put it down" books). I have several pictures on the go simultaneously, but will make an effort to finish them. The first was of Mike. It is my largest canvas yet: it was going to be a full head-and shoulders view, or even a torso, but has ended up as a larger-than-life-size head. He hasn't seen it yet, but I'm pleased with it. He's a very tough man, and not many would dare take him on.

Common Mallow
A new plant has bloomed in our garden against the new fence, behind the zen garden. I hadn't a clue what it was and couldn't identify it from any online guides (there are a lot of purple flowered things), so posted in on our local Facebook page. Sure enough, someone posted back within five minutes identifying it a Common Mallow. Technically a week, but such pretty deep coloured flowers, and already attracting a number of bees and other insects, so we're leaving it to grow for a bit. Apparently, it is quite edible and was once a famine food. It contains many minerals and beneficial additives and has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. We live and learn, but hopefully I  won't have to cook it anytime soon.

Workwise, without being able to share too much, we have met a hiccup in our development program and will have to go back to the drawing board. I'm not sure how it will resolve, but it keeps us on our toes. Healthwise, I have my brain scan tomorrow. I can still manage the crossword and beat the students on a few questions on University Challenge, so I guess there's still something there. It will be interesting to see what is found! 

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