Tuesday 28 September 2021

The missing step to Papworth

 I finally managed to get through to one of the nursing staff at Papworth, so this is an update to my earlier post (The VATS Surgery is Booked). Her name is Youli and she was most helpful. We felt as though we had been railroaded into a decision already made for us, with no choice or explanation of possible alternatives, prognosis or outcomes, and several people had contacted Ann to agree that it seemed odd. Youli also agreed. She thought that somewhere, we had missed a step in the pathway. We should have seen an oncologist who could discuss the choices and best options so I could decide if I wanted what might be major surgery, or if I'd rather just leave things be to continue slowly growing, or possibly not so slow if it spreads to the brain. Anyway, she has agreed to contact the oncologist at Papworth and arrange an appointment before the date of the op, so there will be time for me to change my mind should I wish.

Afterwards, we both felt so relieved that our instincts had been right. Perhaps if we had gone for a quiet drink afterwards we could have discussed it and called the hospital back, but in rushing to Edwin's, we skipped that option. However, we made up for it today. Once my meetings were over, we could migrate to the Red Lion in Horseheath for a relaxing spiced rum, or white wine in Ann's case, and thrash it out between us. We came home in much better spirits.

Back home, I could work on my crane, cleaning the metal and giving it a coat of primer, ready for its final coats.

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