Friday 13 May 2022

The annoyance of other people

A younger Jane
This has been a week of annoyances at the hands of other people. On Ann's hairdressing day, we have a routine whereby I walk the dogs then meet up complement her in the Swan for lunch. Last week, the hair appointment was late so we ate first. It was a cool day, 11 degrees C, and overcast, but when I went back to the car to walk the animals, some interfering slob from Clare had scrawled a note on an old paper bag saying, "Hot cars kill dogs. Don't do it". Then yesterday, driving to the vets to get the guinea pig's nails cut, I passed a driver on a tight backroad. I was on the edge of the ditch, but he was too cautious to move closer to the ditch on his side and our wing mirrors brushed. No harm done, but the idiot turned round and followed me, flashing his lights, then got out and accused me of not pulling over far enough! As if life isn't vexatious enough without total self-indulgent fools adding to the annoyances of the world.

Edwin and Andre are off today for a weekend of fun in Amsterdam. They invited us round for a wonderful buffet supper this week to chat before they left. They have a fine walled patio at the rear of the house, completely secluded and peaceful with swallows flying low above us, where we had drinks and biscuits before going in. They are always so full of fun and life, and it is good to remember there is more in the world than the discomforts of the Damoclean sword of terminal cancer.

Seeing the finished picture of her late niece, Michelle, Ann suggested that I do a portrait of her sister, Jane. I selected an old photo, remembering Jane as I first met her, and this is now finished. I continue to work on the portrait of Jane's other daughter, Kate.



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