Thursday 17 March 2022

Support for Ukraine gets delayed

Floods in Clare Country Park
There was heavy rain yesterday through much of the day, and the sky was dark as a winter storm. This, we were told, was due to "Sahara Dust", and sure enough the windscreen was running with rivulets of red water, building in streaks across the bonnet and doors. This morning, it was clear and warm again but the house windows and all outside surfaces were coated in a dirty red film. The river at Clare was running high, blocking the path with its flood waters.

I met Ann in the Swan for lunch when she emerged from the hairdressers. Ann has been cutting my hair for nigh on two years supplemented by me attacking it with scissors and a mirror, but today she has made an appointment for me to see Kelly, her own hairdresser, who happened to have a cancellation on Saturday. It will be strange indeed to look in the mirror and see a tidy head.

Enjoying lunch at the Swan
We have taken the first steps to downsizing, with two estate agents coming tomorrow to value the house. As part of the process, we went to Newmarket earlier in the week to view a potential house by the technique of "drive by". Alas, it was right on a main road, so we left to walk the dogs in Thetford Forest. I must be getting fitter, for I walked a full mile, albeit at a slow pace and on good level ground. But I am encouraged, and will try to do more to strengthen the limbs and lungs.

On the domestic front, our flag pole had broken in the recent gales, so today I have replaced it with a more sturdy version. Ann ordered a Ukrainian flag to show our support for that beleaguered country but it came, with typical Chinese workmanship, minus any fixing hole or tape at the top blue end. Our support will have to wait a day or two until we can fix the flag. 

Walking with the dogs in Thetford Forest

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